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World Resource Forum - webinar om plastforurensing og løsninger

4. - 6. september går World Resource Forum 2023 av stabelen i Geneve. Som en del av arrangementet er det også lagt opp til flere digitale diskusjoner og presentasjoner. Den 6. september kl. 11.00 - 12.30 arrangerer NILU et av disse webinarene. Tittelen er “Plastic pollution and solutions - interactions between science, policy, industry and society”, og som tittelen sier, vil webinaret belyse plastforurensing og løsninger fra ulike perspektiv. NCMT vil i webinaret være aktøren som formidler det industrielle perspektivet med utgangspunkt i norsk plast- og komposittindustri.

Under ser du en beskrivelse av eventen hentet fra NILU

This online session of the World Resource Forum 2023 will focus on scientific, societal and political aspects of plastics and plastic pollution. Plastic as a resource will be discussed, through the example of material-flow analysis and insights from the plastic industry. The possibilities of research to support decision makers in implementing science-based policy approaches will be examined, as well as the costs of relevant measures to reduce plastic pollution versus the costs plastic pollution exerts on our society. Stakeholders from industry, social sciences, environmental sciences and governmental institutions are invited to participate in this session.


Dr. Lars Mortensen (EEA): “Plastics and the circular economy: How to make the most of plastics as a resource and end plastics pollution”

Prof. Nicola Beaumont (Plymouth Marine Laboratory): “The cost of plastic marine litter for the society”

Dr. Luca Nizzetto (NIVA): “The role of the international Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (iKHAPP)”

Dr. Golnoush Abbasi (NILU): “Designing circularity for plastic polymers: From production to consumption and waste management of plastics in Norway”

Vidar Nyhammer (NCMT): “A converter’s perspective on change: How to turn increased demands for sustainability and circular economy into actual changes in production”

6. september

International Composite Summit

14. september

Plast- og komposittkonferansen